The Michael R. Walker Foundation assists our active employees who are experiencing unforeseen financial hardships related to medical emergencies, funeral, natural disasters, fire, and domestic abuse expenses.
All grants requests are held at the highest amount of confidentiality. Grant information and all supporting documentation is never shared outside of the Foundation. The grant applicant, their supervisor and anyone who assist employees with the grant submission process, is also expected to protect the confidential information.
The Foundation does not consider grant requests for situations not qualifying as unforeseen hardship or for the following: auto repairs, home maintenance/improvements, divorce/legal fees, child support, property taxes, lost wages of spouse and partner not employed by Genesis, behind in rent due not due to lost wages, funeral expenses when the employee is not legally responsible, domestic abuse without an active Protection from Abuse order, etc. If you have any questions, please contact us at 610-925-2121.
Apply Online
The Foundation works closely with the employees to provide access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through HealthAdvocate to provide counseling and other resources that may benefit employees through times of hardship.
Even if you are not approved for financial assistance through the Foundation, we will do our best to connect you to other resources in your area. The Foundation may require employees to seek outside resources including EAP, Health Advocate, etc. assistance prior to being considered for a grant.